Dry Bulk Chartering
Finding the right ship, in the right place, at the right time is our guide.
KeyChart is a young, dynamic shipping company founded in 2022 by a team who has been in shipping business for more than 20 years.
KeyChart is providing global coverage of the dry bulk chartering market across all vessel sizes and cargo. We are serving from Coaster sizes up to Cape sizes, and from single spot voyages or timecharter trips up to long-term contracts of affreightment and period timecharters.
We are finding the right ship, in the right place, at the right time is done effectively and efficiently to obtain the most economical and competitive rate consistent with customer’s desired terms and conditions. We are monitoring freight market daily.
We also gather large volumes of key market data by working closely with other departments such as Operations and Agency department to provide intelligent service to our clients.
For all your chartering inquiries:
Office Phone: +90 216 213 0 113
Fax: +90 216 213 0 114
Mr. Zaim Cem Kirteler – Managing Director – Mobile +90 530 404 33 46
Email: cem@keychartering.com
Mr. Soner Unal – Chartering Manager – Mobile +90 532 636 03 74
Email: soner@keychartering.com